and ceiling insulation panels shall consist of your choice of foam core
bonded each side with high durability pre-painted steel modified
polyester/acrylic paint finish, both in accordance with this
Wall partition/ceiling panels shall be faced with 0.6mm thick
of high durability pre-painted steel modified polyester/acrylic paint
finish with substrates G300S Z275 Food Grade.
For firee-retardant EPS, the steel facings are to be bonded to
the polystyrene core with a structural thermo-setting adhesive by means
of a continuous automatic laminating and roll forming process.
With Slip Joint® system, fire-retardant EPS, PU and Flameguard
panels shall be 1200mm wide. Specially for fire-retardant EPS, panel
width 1160mm and 1190mm are also available. Cam-Lock PU is 1190mm while
PIR Panel have a standard 1100mm wide. All panels are available in 50,
75, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250mm thickness.
The surface of the panels will be profiled with a standard
profile at 100mm center or plain surface specifically for clean room /
food processing room applications.
The finishes and internal surfaces of the insulated panel
system shall comply with the requirements of Statutory Authorities and,
in particular, shall fulfil the requirements for clean room application /
food processing areas.
All rivets used shall be totally blind, sealed aluminium encased rivets of a size approximate to the location and specific application. In general, 4mm diameter rivets at around 300mm centers shall be regarded as the requirement. For clean room application, choices between no rivet expose or countersunk rivets are available.
All joints will be designed and fabricated to ensure integrity of insulation and vapour seal. Joints will be capped and fixed with powder coated aluminum or folded steel flashing as necessary. Joint between vertical wall panels shall be Slip Joint®. Silicon shall be applied liberally to the panel skin edge prior to each panel’s erection.